I live in a retirement community (Pennswood Village) and help with the technical side of lectures and stage performances. We own 16 lavalier style wireless microphones to amplify the voices of performers and speakers. Unfortunately, when pinned to the lapel these mics are too far from the mouth. Feedback and ambient noises become a big problem. If we had an unlimited budget, the solution would be to purchase lightweight over-the-ear microphones that hover just two or three inches from the corner of the mouth.
For many years the thespians have improvised by affixing the mic wire to their cheeks with surgical tape. Tape works, but perspiration and facial hair can sabotage the best efforts to keep the mic position. After the performance, it can be painful to peel the tape off. The mic wires get sticky and stained with makeup and old adhesive from the tape. It’s not a very satisfactory solution. Continue reading