Here is an excellent overview by Johns Hopkins…
Category: Health
Covid-19 Strategy
In my original post under this title, I may have been guilty of contributing to the “Epidemic of Armchair Epidemiology” described in the article linked below.
Please, Let’s Stop the Epidemic of Armchair EpidemiologyIgnore the people misconstruing their expertise and offering false certainty.[Original Post is below]
I’m posting the following links with a caveat: it’s opinion, it’s the author’s viewpoint. Although it appears that the author has done his homework, the article was published in Medium, which is an open forum not subject to editorial scrutiny and vetting. It’s not peer-reviewed science and may not stand up to rigorous scrutiny. When you open the article you will see this statement: “Anyone can publish on Medium per our Policies, but we don’t fact-check every story. For more info about the coronavirus, see”
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Credible Covid-19 Information
Misinformation is circulating on social media and in viral emails. This article provides links to credible sources for information.
Why “Social Distancing” is critical.
The Washington Post published three graphic simulations that clarify what a strategy of social distancing does to preserve our ability to cope with a pandemic. Slowing the spread flattens the peak load on medical facilities so that severely ill people can be treated effectively thus reducing fatalities. Reducing the percentage of people out sick on any given day is another benefit of flattening the peak of an outbreak.
Why Outbreaks Spread ExponentiallyThree animated simulations show how mitigation works for the common good.If you click here you can view the animations that show how mitigation works.