Sterile Technique

NOTE: Use 4 teaspoons of household bleach [Clorox] per quart to make a sanitizing solution. (This is stronger than the 1 teaspoon per quart recommended for foodservice uses.)

There is no way to “see” where the COVID-19 virus is, just as we can’t see other microbes. Healthcare professionals learn habits called sterile technique to minimize the chance of transferring invisible microbes from one patient to another, or to an open surgical wound. In the following video, the doctor demonstrates the use of sterile technique to ensure that the goods you bring into your home don’t carry and shed the virus.

Sterile Technique for the Home

Is this level of caution really necessary? There is no way to know. At room temperature, the virus should be fully degraded in three days, if there is any on the goods. This is probably excessive caution for all but the items you plan to handle and eat in less than three days. Freezing extends the viability of the virus. You must decide what’s prudent and what’s overly cautious.

Frequent hand washing is the best preventive. The object is to prevent the virus from being transferred to your face (eyes, nose, mouth) where it can reach a mucus membrane and infect you. If sterile technique helps reduce the chances of infection, it may be worthwhile developing these habits.